Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gundam Caravan 2016

Just recently my brother and I went to the Gundam Caravan event to get a free GUNPLA. It was quite a long queue but still manageable.

The place is loaded with different gundam models on display, kits, enthusiasts and freebies. There was also  a competition for model kits.

Love at first sight :)

And finally for what we had really went for...the free GUNPLA. And It was an epic fail for me...huhuhu. I just managed to break off its right arm clean, well I'll just glue it back, it's not like it's movable anyway for it was like stuck that way once you put it in.

and btw this was me...hope you guys enjoyed the tour!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Watercolor Practice

I've always been more used to acrylic so watercolor is a new thing to me and I got here's me trying to practice. And if anyone asks me why bother...well I just want to learn cause its beautiful and dramatic.

Here are some pics of my initial portraits

I used Van Gogh, Cotman and Holbein watercolors and some mid-range watercolor brushes for these which I might post later.

Some of the artists I love are Caroline Andrieu and agnes-cecile. I know..I got a long way before I can get accustomed to it but it's gonna be worth it.