Sunday, October 30, 2016

Art for Halloween

Halloween; time for ghosts, monsters, zombies and whatnot, 'tis one of my fave times of the year. So, I thought I ought to make a tribute and with silent hill as my all time fave psp game, it is only proper to make a fan art of it. I chose the nurse cause it's my fave character together with pyramid head, which I might also do a painting of.

Here's my process and stuff I used:

I used liquitex basics and grumbacher academy acrylic on illustration board primed with gesso.

I sketched the outline first
liquitex raw umber curdled up which I was not able to use much anymore

raw umber and titanium white base
brown underpainting
and voila! finished, which of course took a lot of layering. I mainly used naphtol red, yellow oxide, ultramarine, titanium white, mars black, alizarin and pthalo green.

Hope you enjoyed my painting and Happy Halloween everyone!

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